Monthly Archives: April 2010

Just because.

Here is sweet Julia with a facial expression that would make anyone smile. I hope it makes you smile today! She is such a cutie and I love that we got this on camera for her high school graduation đŸ™‚


Filed under Babies, Friends

Britni & Dan, Engagement Session: Minneapolis Wedding Photographer

Similar to a few other sessions I’ve done, the first thing I heard when stepping out at beautiful Centennial Lakes from Britni-the-Bride was, “Dan isn’t really into this picture thing…” ahhh, got it. Apparently anyone who knows Dan would know this about him. I’ve heard this before. And like the times before Dan, after about 1/2 hour, I think he actually started to enjoy our little session (Dan, if you’re reading this, maybe you didn’t – but just humor me). All joking aside, I loved photographing this couple! It was a gorgeous afternoon and I absolutely loved getting behind my lens to observe this couple.  They both bring out different qualities in the other person – I loved watching them interact! I saw them compliment one another the second we started shooting. They laughed, giggled, and did whatever I asked them to, which was fun for me! I’m so excited to photograph their wedding this fall!

Britni & Dan, I am so glad I had the opportunity to do this for you before our second little one arrives. It was my last shoot of the season before baby, and I loved every second of it! I am so excited about your wedding and wish you the best in your planning phases. We will talk soon! Can’t wait!

Love this shot…

Britni, you are stunning!

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Filed under Weddings

Introducing Abigail Reese, 2 Weeks old; Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Our good friends from college, Denny & Carolyn, welcomed baby Abby to the world on March 25th at 7:09 p.m. She was 8 lbs 1 oz and 21.5 inches long. She is absolutely beautiful! There is nothing like those first couple of weeks with your new little miracle and I had the honor of capturing Abigail at this stage of her life. Such a joy for me! Abby was a sweetie for our session, letting me place her in random places in the house, ‘posing’ her (although she was quite the natural model all on her own), and sleeping almost the entire time. I got some cuddle time with her too, which I absolutely loved!

Denny & Carolyn, congratulations! Thank you for allowing me to capture these special moments for you! Abigail has some really incredible parents and we can’t wait to watch her grow up…what a blessing she is! Logan says he can’t wait to meet ‘baby wamby’ either. See you soon! Love you guys!

{Watch the slideshow and see some others below…}


Filed under Babies, Friends, photography

Preserve Your Memories + Em’s Profile Pics!

I have been having such a great time with photography lately! I am not in the crazy wedding season, my family is healthy, we are good! So I’ve been able to soak in a ton of knowledge and schedule fun sessions. In the past couple of weeks I’ve photographed 3 newborns, a 1-year-old, a 6-month-old, and an 18-month-old. How fun! Even though I am having a little more difficult time getting up and down off of the floor and repositioning these beautiful babies, when I see them through the eye of my lens, I know it is all worth it. To know that their parents will treasure them forever, and that they only stay this little for a very short period of time, I know I’m stopping time for that family…and capturing them at their innocence and newness. Such a blessing that I have this as my profession! Look for more posts to come on new baby Abby, who I photographed last night.

I also had the opportunity to take some profile pics for my friend and fellow photographer, Emily. We had such a fun afternoon! She came over when my son was napping and it was then that I realized I have a perfect house for outside sessions! Our house was built in the early 50s so there is charm, chipping wood, and a unique run-down gate that is perfect for contrast. It makes my house sound like it is falling apart, which parts of it are, but the majority of it is still alive and kicking! But definitely something for me think about…even though it was raining, we got beautiful shots and had so much fun together! We both talk about how being on the ‘other side’ is definitely difficult – but so important for us as photographers. We often forget what it is like for our clients. Every time I’ve had my photos done, I’ve been humbled!

Emily posted about our session together and just her thoughts in general about photography and why preserving your memories is so important. Some of this stemmed from a discussion we had together, and I feel exactly like she does (more to come from me on this topic too!) so I wanted to make sure and share it. Scroll down to see the profile pics I took of her too!


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Filed under Friends, My family, photography